Friday, April 13, 2012


So I recently have decided to become a German minor. I'm going to take you all throughout the thought process I went through while making this decision.

Why German?

For starters, I took German in high school because universities like seeing a foreign in your high school transcript when you apply. I picked German instead of my other two options, Spanish and French, because A I liked it and B the German teacher at my school was pretty cool. Turns at most German teachers rock.

When I came to college I was planning on taking a foreign language. I was hoping the fact that I took it in high school would be reason enough for me not to have to take it. Too bad I went to a school that requires a foreign language or cultures class. So, I decided to make my life easier and take German again. I ended up not doing so hot on my language placement test (partly because I wasn't trying too hard and partly because I took it during the middle of summer when I had forgotten a lot of German). It was strait to the 1001 basics of German for me. I was hoping to just fill my requirements and be done with it. Turns out I'm not.

I actually began to really like German and I started to feel like I have a grasp on the language. Things started to make sense that hadn't made sense before. I couldn't believe that I have an easy time understanding someone while they lecture in another language, but it all started to work out for me.

I want to learn another language now. College is probably the best chance I'll get to take this on. I might as well take it. Learning another language makes one a more rounded person. It gives them the opportunity to see a new perspective and culture on the world. I want to be able to leave the country for once in my life too. I think that experience would be so much better if I get to see the world through the eyes of another language instead of just a rough translation. 

Sassy Cat 

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