Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Facebook is Passive Aggressive

If you are friends with teenage girls on Facebook, then you have most likely witnessed a terrible Facebook status crimes.

I'm going to start off this post by saying that. I personally believe Facebook is not a place for friend. It is a place for vague acquaintances whom I only somewhat care about. The way I see it, when you add someone on Facebook you are inviting him or her to read all your posts, look at all your photo, and then judge you on all that you have chosen to upload. In this current post I will exercise my right to judge my "Facebook Friends" based upon the statuses they have chosen upload. 

Also, I know its always the same song and dance when it comes to people complaining about Facebook statuses, but I'm going to complain about them anyways.

Passive aggressive statuses I don't understand what goes through someone's mind when they post a status such as "I think person X finally gets it." I have actually seen this status and this girl actually said "person X." I promise you I'm not subbing a name out. Do us all a favor and tag the damn person in your status. I know its non of my business but now that you have said something about it that shows up on my feed, I am seriously dying to know. I mean really, I'm reading all your comments, recent posts and creeping hardcore to see if I can figure out who you're talking about. I don't even know you that well. We just go to school together, but I want to know who person X is and what he or she finally got. It's like a detective game. I wonder if your mom is doing the same thing. 

"I guess now I know who my real friends are" or something along those lines I just want to comment that person's status to tell her that you probs still don't know who all your "real" friends are. I also question how good of a friend you are yourself, since you seem to say such rude things about your friends.

People who post about their grades, especially college kids Congratulations go tell mommy to put your report card on the fridge. Nobody else cares. Fuck you, you nerd.

"I have no friends, nobody loves me" This kind of post is only an invitation to your pity party. A pity party that people feel obligated to tell you that they are your friend. Even though they aren't really your friend since you already stated that you have none.

Girls complaining about boys These posts are acceptable if you have sassy single girl swag, or have just ended an unfortunate relationship and are ready to move on with your new sassy life. Not acceptable if you are a whiney little twit. Just saying, every time a girl posts a status about how she needs a boyfriend, her chances of getting a good boyfriend decreases by 50 percent. Boys generally don't like needy, whiney twits.

There are plenty more terrible statuses I have witnessed. For example, I believe a Facebook rule should be implemented that you are only allowed to posts moody song lyrics twice a week. I'm sure we can agree that more than that is really just excessive.

Hugs and Kisses,
Sassy Cat

Friday, January 27, 2012

Slap Happy

I labeled this post slap happy because I slapped someone this weekend and I'm happy about it.  

So here's my story. The other day I was at a party, the cool kind that all the college freshman go to. I was looking pretty hot wearing my polka dot leggings, and I was having a good time dancing with my friends. This all was a good fun time. At some point I was walking upstairs to find my friends when I got a nice slap on my ass. Hell no. I do not appreciate a slap on the ass (unless it's from my boyfriend, but I still don't always like it). So I walked to the bottom of the stairs with all my sass to let those boys know how I felt about that ass slap. He told me to kiss him on the cheek, and he wouldn't do it again. I warned him I was going to slap him, but he just kept pointing to his cheek. So I slapped him right across his face went upstairs and didn't look back. I found all my friends high-fived them and had a good rest of the night.

The reason I'm so gosh darn happy about this minor event is that by slapping that asshole in the face I didn't let it ruin my night. Every time I'm at a dance or party and some guy grabs my waist from behind without even asking if I want to dance or if even me getting to see his face makes me feel terrible. Its like I'm just a chance for them to get a piece of ass. Eww... Or when a guy starts talking to me and finds out I have a boyfriend I can just see him completely lose interest in what I'm saying. Obviously I'm not worth talking to without the possibility of touching my boobs.  Fucking disrespect. I don't always tell every guy that does something like this how it is. Actually I usually don't. I just feel annoyed for a while after. But you know what? I'm fucking tired of letting guys make me feel like crap because I'm not going to whore myself out for them. No girl should feel terrible for a guy treating them that way! If you don't want someone touching you a certain way or talks to you like your useless don't put up with it! Come on girls put your sass on. Maybe some asshole will get what's coming to him.

So be just  be fucking awesome! I totally understand if you're a girl and you just want to be sluts at a party that's totally fine. Be a hottie. Get some! Go do what makes you happy as long as you don't hurt someone else in the process. But don't let those dudes treat you badly. I won't if you won't!

Yours Truly, 
Sassy Cat

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Adventures of Donating Blood

Yesterday I was walking back to my dorm in after lunch when I saw signs for a blood drive. I thought to myself that it seemed like it could be fun and I had about an hour and a half until I had to go to my lecture so I had some time to kill. I wasn't really worried about giving blood either. I've given blood once before and had hardly any problems with it. My favorite thing about donating blood is that you get free snacks after and a sticker saying how you donated blood today. Of course you also get that nice warm fuzzy feeling inside that you did something nice, but I really like stickers. So I went through the little sign up area and gave all the usual information they need to let you donate blood. After that I went into the little privacy booth area where you answer awkward questions so they can decide if sticking you're blood inside someone else will put them at risk of contracting a disease of some sort or if you're currently healthy enough to have some blood sucked out of you. Sometimes these questions make me giggle inside a little when they ask me about my sex life. Then you get to have a nurse come take all your vitals. This nurse seemed a little grouchy and didn't talk much. Part of taking the vitals is the dreaded finger prick. A lot of people will tell you its almost as bad as giving blood. I don't think so. I don't mind a little prick to the finger or all the blood that comes out after. I really can't fathom how a finger prick that small gushes out so much blood though, but its nothing a tissue and a bandaid can't handle.

After all my vitals checked out fine, the grouchy lady took my to the circle of chairs where they draw the blood. Here everyone was super cheery and nice. The needle went in fine and everything. I can't really let myself look since I hate needles. I though meditating thoughts to myself as the stuck it into my arm. It kinda hurt as it went in, but then it felt fine. The blood drawing people were running around being as cheery and helpful as possible always asking people how they felt and telling them how much blood how full their little baggy full of blood was and how much longer it would probably take to fill it. Other students were reading books or listening to music as they donated. I just kinda looked around and zoned out. Then one of the nurses asked my if I was feeling light headed since I had my hand on my head. I realized I was so I nodded and 3 nurses swarmed me and had my feet up and a cloth on my head in like 2 seconds. Some where through all this the arm that my needle was in started to hurt really badly, but with being light headed I wasn't thinking to mention this to anyone. I think they took the needle out earlier since my little bag was mostly full and I wasn't doing so well. The extra cheery nurse brought me a coke to help with my sugar levels and told me to stay seated for a while. Eventually she walked me to the table where the other donors were eating the snacks they always have and asked them to make sure I looked ok.

After being there for a while I still wasn't feeling better and I didn't want to be late for my lecture. Unfortunately, my lecture of about 250 students was on the fourth floor of the building. I think walking up all those stairs is what led to my downfall. I still had the coke with me as I made it to my seat in the middle of the lecture hall. I felt pretty ok and talked to the girl sitting next to me for a little bit. Then lecture started. I finished my coke and I started to notice that all the power points were getting really blurry. I kept trying to focus really hard to make everything look less blurry but it didn't work very well. I kept feeling like I was swaying a little bit and then my head started drooping. I think it was a few minutes later that I woke up on my desk. Apparently I passed out in lecture and nobody noticed or cared. To their credit they probably thought I was sleeping. Things were still blurry and I tried digging through my backpack to find a granola bar. It made really loud crunching noises when I ate it. I hope I didn't disrupt anyone's learning process. I felt really awkward eating it in the middle of class.

I made it back to the dorm all right. I decided to take the elevator up to my room this time. I was OK after that. Except for this gnarly bruise on my arm. At least I have something to show off since they weren't even giving stickers.

Despite all this I would still recommend giving blood. Personally a hate needles. I think its a good way to counter the repulsion I have to them while do some good for other. I know my O positive blood isn't rare or special, but I'm sure someone somewhere needs it. I'm totally willing to feel light-headed and take the risk of getting a cool looking bruise to help someone's health.

I think the bruise looks like a heart.

Love ,
Sassy Cat

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

My First Attempt at Sass

Hello new imaginary friends! (or mostly likely old not-quite-imaginary-friends who I've tricked into reading this random crap I decide to write on the internet) I decided to create this blog because I like to try new things, and it might have been recommended that I write a blog to enhance my writing ability. Soon I will have a profile picture, but I haven't had enough time to waste to create that yet. So here I am, my lovely sassy self, spreading my sassiness further into the world. So I hope I don't make a complete fool of myself, but I'm sure I will succeed at it at some point if I continue my sassing. So now that my first little message has been written I will go explore the world of blog settings. So I will see all you friends later! 

Sassy Cat