Sunday, February 19, 2012

Worst Situations to be in When a Fire Alarm Goes Off

While Eating in a Restaurant Your food is probably getting cold while you're stuck outside. Or it is just getting a little overcooked. 

Sleeping Just imagine being in the middle of a nice relaxing dream and then flashing lights and a loud alarm wake you up. You stumble/fall out of bed, wander around trying to get your bearings, can't find a coat, can't find shoes, forget your key, and lock yourself out. Sounds lovely doesn't it? And now you get to stand outside in the cold night pissed off because you're missing your beauty sleep and you have important things to do in the morning.

In the Shower Now you're naked. You probably just but shampoo in your hair so you're all soapy. And last but not least you're all wet. Now you have to scramble to get your clothes on or you just go outside in a towel where everybody stares at you in pity.

Drunk Considering you're drunk and the fire alarm goes off, its probably your fault. Your probably scared your going to get in trouble. Also, you're dazed and confused.

When you're about to get laid Now nobody likes a fire alarm cock block.

During Sex Now you're naked and you have a hard on and you don't get to finish. Sucks.

During Drunk Sex Same as before only now you're more confused and have a slower reaction time.

During Shower Sex Now you're wet, naked, have a hard on, don't get to finish, and now you're probably going to be really embarrassed because you and your partner are going to be stuck outside wet and everybody is wondering why you are both wet.

During Drunk Shower Sex Actually this could just make the prior situation a lot more fun and interesting.

While You're Having a Baby I can't even imagine.

So there's my list of possible worst case scenarios for a fire alarm to go off. I hope you enjoyed it. I didn't enjoy the fire alarm going off while I was trying to eat my hash browns this morning. Damn I was hungry.

Peace Out,
Sassy Cat

Obstacles Encountered in a Speech Class

Obstacle #1 Picking a Topic

I don't understand why this seems to be the most difficult thing to ever do. Picking a topic for a speech is like picking your poison. Let's start with something I recently had to do, a How To speech. What do these people want to know how to do? So many things. This topic only makes me realize I really don't know how to do anything interesting whatsoever. I can make you a sandwich kind of. Even that is considered to easy of a topic. Then people tell you to do something related to a sport you do. I swam in high school. I can't demonstrate anything swimming related in a class room. I kinda need a pool to do that. Umm... what do I know how to do? Blog? I don't want to reveal to the real world that I do this. This is my secret between me and the entire world wide web. I'm not going to talk about this in  classroom. You just gotta pick something, go with your gut, and move on with your life.

Obstacle #2 Stupid Visual Aids

I feel like I'm forced to constantly think of new and exciting visual aids that go beyond just power points. Here is my problem with this. Think to yourself who gives speeches the most... professors. And what do most of these professors only ever do when the teach in class... use power points. The power points are very good and helpful and I like them. Why can't a power point be enough for these speech teaching teachers? Because they are try to get us to think out of the box I suppose. And I will admit that a lot of teachers use other visual aids on occasion, but certainly not for every speech they give. I just want to be able to make a beautiful power point and have it be respected for how beautiful and well-crafted it is. My power point shouldn't be hated on because power points or used a lot. Thinking about it I actually love power points. They are so helpful and nice.

Obstacle #3 I'm Usually Nervous

I don't know why I'm nervous. I don't really even care about giving this speech. I just know that someone is judging everything I do while I give this speech. I don't like that. Stop writing little notes about how I'm not standing on two feet at once or that my voice gets higher pitched as I go along. I can't help it. I can give presentations in class just fine as long as that class isn't a speech class. There's way to much going on that I have to think about and I don't get to think about what I'm telling you anymore.

So there is a semi organized rant about speech classes and what I don't like about them. I actually think everyone should take a speech class since its a good thing to learn and be familiar with. Be able to present your thoughts and ideas clearly is a crucial life skill. I just needed something to blog about and that's what is on my mind right now. So I hope you don't dislike my blog because it is pretty whiney. Again I would like to point out that I haven't edited this at all. Hopefully there aren't any mistakes. I'll be less lazy later. I have homework now.

Ta Ta For Now,
Sassy Cat

Monday, February 13, 2012

Life Skills

I'm bad at catching my typos in my blog. Somebody, perhaps my boyfriend, enjoys pointing this out to me.  So I apologize to all my grammar savvy friends for my lack off English writing skills. I'm working on it. Thus this blog to help me practice. I won't be annoyed with you if you comment and point these mistakes out to me. I do it to other people. Its a learning process. Let's learn together. 

Therefore I'm inspired to enlighten all of you on some lovely life skills.

Communication Oooh a comm major telling you why communication is important. Yes, communication is important. Yes, everybody does it. But, as most comm classes will tell you're not as good at communicating as you think you are. No one is. Anyways since not everyone reading this is a a lovely comm major like myself or trying to take over the world like myself, let's focus on some useful things to help communicate. First off, talk about your feelings bro! I have feelings, and I like to share them and for the most part. I think I'm pretty honest, and its a wonderful thing to be able to communicate all of that. Also, you should consider listening to be a great communication skill and understanding who you're talking to. See here I'm just shouting my nonsense at the internet, probably not the most effective way to communicate to you all. Oh well, I consider this mostly talking to myself anyways.

Be Prepared Boy Scout Motto "Always be prepared." Yes, you should be prepared. You know what I do to keep myself so prepared. I mean really prepared for anything? I play the "what if?" game with myself all the time. Especially at work because I'm a lifeguard so A. Its my job to be prepared and B. it can get really boring. So I just sit in my chair an look around and think to myself "what would I do if that old lady forgot how to swim?" or "How am I going to yell at that child if he decides to moon someone?" This kind of game applies to other things to. Like in lecture "What would I do if a terrorist ran into the classroom?" Probably hide under my desk, but you see my backpack is usually there so I would have to move that first, then hide under my desk, and the I could hide behind my backpack as well. Oh I should also call campus security while I'm hiding. Now I'm slightly prepared for such a situation. Which probably will never happen, and I'm not really expecting it to, I'm just ready for it.

Organization I'm just going to say that you should be organized because nobody likes to misplace or lose their stuff. Or forget things.

Kindness If you're not a nice person nobody is going to like you. So, you should be nice. So you can have friends and feel happy about yourself. Personally I just want to be a likable person. I believe I'm slightly nicer in real life. Sassy cat just has to get some sassy out.

Positivity This is going to help you be a live a happy life. I know it can be super hard sometimes. Try to surround yourself with good people, good attitudes, and work towards something. If your life has purpose and direction you are naturally going to become happier. College makes me happy because I'm so close to really achieving something I feel like. I know what job I want and I'm working on it. Set goals. Like trying to run a mile in 7 minutes or finishing a painting.

There is more I want to put in this but I forgot some of the life skills I was going to blog about. I'm might write more later. Who knows? I have homework and such to do and I've been lazy about blogging so I'm just going to post it. I know there is a random green "e" in here. I was going to fix it but I kinda like it. I should probably proof read more. Sorry for the typos!

Have a Good Day,
Sassy Cat