I'm going to start off this post by saying that. I personally believe Facebook is not a place for friend. It is a place for vague acquaintances whom I only somewhat care about. The way I see it, when you add someone on Facebook you are inviting him or her to read all your posts, look at all your photo, and then judge you on all that you have chosen to upload. In this current post I will exercise my right to judge my "Facebook Friends" based upon the statuses they have chosen upload.
Passive aggressive statuses I don't understand what goes through someone's mind when they post a status such as "I think person X finally gets it." I have actually seen this status and this girl actually said "person X." I promise you I'm not subbing a name out. Do us all a favor and tag the damn person in your status. I know its non of my business but now that you have said something about it that shows up on my feed, I am seriously dying to know. I mean really, I'm reading all your comments, recent posts and creeping hardcore to see if I can figure out who you're talking about. I don't even know you that well. We just go to school together, but I want to know who person X is and what he or she finally got. It's like a detective game. I wonder if your mom is doing the same thing.
"I guess now I know who my real friends are" or something along those lines I just want to comment that person's status to tell her that you probs still don't know who all your "real" friends are. I also question how good of a friend you are yourself, since you seem to say such rude things about your friends.
People who post about their grades, especially college kids Congratulations go tell mommy to put your report card on the fridge. Nobody else cares. Fuck you, you nerd.
"I have no friends, nobody loves me" This kind of post is only an invitation to your pity party. A pity party that people feel obligated to tell you that they are your friend. Even though they aren't really your friend since you already stated that you have none.
Girls complaining about boys These posts are acceptable if you have sassy single girl swag, or have just ended an unfortunate relationship and are ready to move on with your new sassy life. Not acceptable if you are a whiney little twit. Just saying, every time a girl posts a status about how she needs a boyfriend, her chances of getting a good boyfriend decreases by 50 percent. Boys generally don't like needy, whiney twits.
There are plenty more terrible statuses I have witnessed. For example, I believe a Facebook rule should be implemented that you are only allowed to posts moody song lyrics twice a week. I'm sure we can agree that more than that is really just excessive.
Hugs and Kisses,
Sassy Cat